Section: Walking Thoughts                  Theme: Community Connection

Reflect on the ways in which community and a strong foundation can support and uplift you in your life. How do you define your personal foundation, and what values, beliefs, or practices make up this foundation for you? How has this foundation supported you in challenging times, and what role has community played in helping you stay grounded and connected?

Consider how you can actively cultivate and strengthen both your personal foundation and your connections to community. What steps can you take to nurture your own sense of purpose and direction, and how can you use this sense of clarity to build stronger relationships with those around you? Take some time to reflect on the ways in which you can.

Nature Meditations Deck Card of the week

Section: Walking Thoughts

Card: “Feel your Foundation”

Outdoor Challenge

Week 2

Join a #wehiketoheal Group Hike or plan your own nature-based activity or outing with friends, family, or community members that aligns with your personal foundation and values. If you chose the latter and plan your own adventure,  try a trail clean-up to support environmental sustainability, a community gardening project to promote healthy living and food access – or anything else that speaks to you.

As you enjoy your activity, consider how you can intentionally incorporate elements of community connection and foundation-building into the experience. This might include setting intentions or sharing personal stories at the beginning of the outing, or taking time for reflection and discussion at the end.

Through this activity, you can deepen your connections with others while also grounding yourself in the values and beliefs that make up your personal foundation. Additionally, you can feel the benefits of spending time outdoors and connecting with the natural world around you.

How are you finding mindfulness today?