Section: Nature Meditations                    Theme: Worthiness

Take a moment to reflect on how you feel about yourself. Do you feel worthy of love and acceptance? Do you love and accept yourself as you are, flaws and all?

Write down your thoughts and feelings about your worthiness, self-love and acceptance. If you struggle with any of these areas, try to identify where these beliefs come from. Are they based on past experiences, societal norms or messages from others?

Imagine someone you love deeply and how you show them love and acceptance. Why is it sometimes easier to show others love and acceptance than it is to show yourself? Write down 3 ways you can incorporate that same compassion for yourself, and commit to incorporating them into your daily life. Remember, you are worthy of love and acceptance just as you are.

Nature Meditations Deck Card of the week

Section: Nature Meditations

Card: “Waterfall of Worthiness”

Outdoor Challenge

Week 1

Take a solo hike or walk in nature this week. Spend some time reflecting on your ideas of worthiness. As you walk, notice the life around you and identify something in nature that exudes confidence and think about how that same confidence lies within you. Bring a journal and write down any insights or realizations that come to you.

How are you finding mindfulness today?